Wednesday, November 10, 2010

35 weeks

Went to doctor today. My blood pressure was 112/70. I had a moderate amount of protein in my urine so they said I need to drink a bunch of water tonight. So have been working on that. I gained 3 pounds since my last visit 2 weeks ago, but they said that part of the weight could be due to the swelling in my legs and ankles. They said that the increased protein could cause some cramping. So don't know if that is part of why I've been having so many braxton hicks lately. Guess it's a possibility. They did the cultures that they have to do around this time in the pregnancy. So as long as the come back okay then don't have to do anything extra. If the group B strep culture comes back positive I will have to have IV antibiotics while I'm in labor. They said that my belly is measuring like it should be and that the babies heartrate was in the 140s.

Got the heat fixed. So don't have to worry about it not working right when Tater gets here. :)


  1. Ahhh! You are getting SO close!!! Love the new belly pics, too! SO cute!

  2. Ha Ha! I put babies instead of baby's. Yes folks, there is still just one! Thank goodness!
