Friday the 16th was Jasper's 15 month appointment. Much to my dismay he had to get shots at this appointment too! I had to apologize to Jasper as I had told him that he would NOT be getting any shots that day. Bibi went with us to the appointment. She got to meet Nancy, th PA that usually sees Jasper for his well-child visits. Jasper has started walking so ne got to show off some of his new skills. His weight and height have slowed down a little bit and the measurement of his head was actually measured to be smaller, so Nancy said that she thought that his height and head measurements were actually a measurement at his 12 month appt.
Here are his latest measurements:
weight: 29 pounds, 6.4 ounces (94.87%)-down from 96%
height: 2 feet, 9 inches (93%) - down from 98.6%
head: 18.9 inches - down from 94.8%
So still above average it looks like. He is wearing 24 month/2T clothes. More pictures to come int the future. :
Love you sweetie and my little sweetheart!