Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6 month checkup

I had my 6 month check up yesterday. The doctor said that everything was looking really good. I am at the 93% in length and my weight and head are around the 56%. She said that I am doing good. She said that the little bug I had a week and a half ago may be the reason that my eczema has flared up. It doesn't itch me though so she said that was good. :) She said that I need to try the cereals before I start on the veggies, so Mommy said she will be giving me oatmeal soon. Then we can start some veggies. I hope I like them! I sure do like the rice cereal.
I was being very nice to the doctor and was even smiling at her and you know what she did?! She had them give me 3 shots! Can you believe it. It seems like it doesn't pay to be nice sometimes. ;) I didn't feel very good last night but Mommy said I didn't feel like I was running a fever. Today I am so sleepy. I woke up at 5 AM and couldn't go back to sleep so hopefully I will get to sleep plenty at Ms Erika's house today!
I love you all and wanted to let you know how my appointment went.

P.S. I had my picture taken Saturday. It was kinda hot and sunny out so I didn't smile much but then you get to see pictures of my serious side. :) Heather (the lady that took the pictures) told Mommy that she hopes to get them proofed and to Mommy soon. So I guess we will see. Love you all!!


  1. You did an awesome job at the doctors office. You are the best son I could ask for. Sorry the lady gave you shots, I don't like them either. I love you very much!

  2. You are a very good storyteller Jasper! You must take after you bebe.
