Monday, September 16, 2013

Baby Rosie and Jasper

Pool Party!

Jasper got invited to a pool party and then got to swim with his cousin Justin. Here's the good times!

chillin by the water

One day we decided to go for a trip to the water and it was too cold for the beach so you all know where we went?
Look through the pictures. If you are from around here you will know. ;)

what did you say?

What did you say? You wished there was a blog post with pictures from Easter. Well, here you go!

Easter egg hunts at school and at work. He had such a great time!!


I know, I know. It has been months since this happened but you know when a girl forgets that she didn't download her pictures for a while and the sees them in the list of picutres....well it gets a girl wanting to share the memory with others. Here are the pictures from when we took Jasper to the zoo in the spring. He loved getting to see the animals and show them all to Bibi and Pop! Well, hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane.