Jasper got a clean bill of health at his 9 month visit. Here are his stats:
22 pounds, 6.2 oz (77.6% for age)- up from 63% at 6 months
2 feet 5.75 inches (90.4% for age)- down from 92% at 6 months
head circumference 18.11" (70.3% for age)- up from 57% at 6 months
He saw the PA and she said he looked good. She wants me to bring him back next month to get his flu shot. Didn't want him to get it this early cause she wanted to make sure it would cover him for the entire flu season.
Gave him some baby turkey last night. First 2-3 bites he wasn't sure what he thought of it, but after that he just opened his mouth up like a little bird. So I'm guessing that he likes it. :)
Both of his bottom middle teeth are now through the gum. Woohoo!!! Maybe he will feel better now. Keep your fingers crossed. Woke up this AM in a good mood.
Love you all!