Thursday, November 25, 2010

newest pictures

Chubby cheeks
They said he was weighing about 6 1/2 pounds last week. They are thinking he will weight between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 pounds.

Arrow is pointing to his tongue. He keep sticking it out at us.

Yawning as she took the profile shot
His foot is the oval thing right in the middle. Toes are pointed to the right.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

36-37 weeks

Went to the doctor last week. Tater wasn't moving much so they checked his heart rate for a little longer. Said it sounded reassuring, but wanted me to do kick-counts a few times during that day to make sure he moved at least 5 times in a hour. He did so it was fine. My blood pressure and pulse were up that day, but I had to run (almost literally) to get to the appointment as I was late leaving work. They didn't seem concerned about my pulse and blood pressure when I told them that I was rushing that much.

At today's appointment things went fine. My blood pressure was 120s/70s and my pulse was in the high 70s. My urine was all clear (no protein or anything). Tater's heart rate was in the 140s. Fundal height was 37. So all like it should be.
I talked to her about the pains I've been having and she seemed to think it was just the ligaments in my pelvis stretching and that I'm having braxton hicks contractions. So nothing that really amounts to anything I guess. She said that I most likely have a few more weeks before he will be here. So guess she's not thinking that he will be here early, unless things change.
Wearing my support belt today cause my back is starting to hurt more and more. But then again that makes sense since he is getting bigger and stuff.
Thank you SO much Sis for helping me get the majority of the stuff done!!!!!!! There is NO WAY I could have gotten it all done without you! Love you!

Well, that's all I can think of right now so... I will sign off. Hope you all have a FABULOUS Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Love you all bunches!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

35 weeks

Went to doctor today. My blood pressure was 112/70. I had a moderate amount of protein in my urine so they said I need to drink a bunch of water tonight. So have been working on that. I gained 3 pounds since my last visit 2 weeks ago, but they said that part of the weight could be due to the swelling in my legs and ankles. They said that the increased protein could cause some cramping. So don't know if that is part of why I've been having so many braxton hicks lately. Guess it's a possibility. They did the cultures that they have to do around this time in the pregnancy. So as long as the come back okay then don't have to do anything extra. If the group B strep culture comes back positive I will have to have IV antibiotics while I'm in labor. They said that my belly is measuring like it should be and that the babies heartrate was in the 140s.

Got the heat fixed. So don't have to worry about it not working right when Tater gets here. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

latest belly pictures

31 weeks
34.3 weeks

Monday, November 1, 2010


Started having some sharp pains on and off. Nothing regular, so no worries. But I'm wondering if this will mean that when they check me next week I will be dilated some. Of course I know you can walk around a long time being 1-2 centimeters dilated so no big deal. Just making it a little more real I guess.

Definately feeling like I can empathize with other pregnant women now. Finding a comfy position is very tricky!

So do I have any votes on this kid's name? Other than just a first name... given that he will have 2 middle names? Curious to see what you guys think. :)