Thursday, September 30, 2010

Doctor's visit and recent photo

Doctor's visit went fine this week. I had a trace of protein in my urine so they told me to push more fluids for the next few days. The midwife reviewed my sugar test and said that all the levels were normal on the 3 hour sugar test. I have a picture of Kelly and myself from her shower on 9/18. Thought you might like to see how we are doing. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happenings of 27th Week

Can you tell he's excited about the baby?!

Failed one hour test, passed 3 hour test for gestational diabetes. So don't have it!!!! Woohoo!!!!

These are some recent pictures. Baby is weighing about 2 pounds, 8 ounces. They said that was good.
Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

26 weeks picture

The human portions of the Dorriety family. Don't tell Twig I said she wasn't human!

Doctor's visit

So had my 27th week doctor visit today. Had to do my sugar test. I had quite a bit of sugar in my urine so they said it was likely that I would have to come back and do the 3 hour sugar test. :( I was wondering what my blood sugar was 2 hours after the sugar test (as the amount of sugar that is in the sugar test should be similar to that of a meal). So I checked when I got home and my blood sugar was 138. That's not good. If my blood sugar 1 hour after I took the test was 140 or more that it would mean that I need to do the 3 hour test. Looks like I will most likely be doing the test. So might be spending a chunk of my day on Friday doing that 3 hour test. Nice way to spend your day off huh?!
My iron level was fine, as my hematocrit was 34. My blood pressure was okay at 118/62. It was up a little more than the last few visit but I was nervous about the sugar test so I'm sure that didn't help it to be any lower. I gained about 4 more pounds. So still in the range I should be in.
So just keep the sugar test in your prayers. I'm not excited about the fact that I will likely have to do the 3 hour test, but am really hoping that it comes back normal. I don't want the risks associated with gestational diabetes! Guess in a way I know too much. :(
Will keep you updated as to what they say. Until then...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Joey got to see what I was talking about

So, last night we were sitting on the couch and I keep feeling the dance party going on in my stomach. I kept wondering if Joey would be able to see it. Well, I looked down at my stomach and you could definitely see all kinds of movement. I got Joey's attention and told him to look at my stomach for a few minutes. Sure enough, a few moments later the dance party resumed. Joey's eyes got real big and he smiled real big. It was nice to see him get so excited about it. Then a little while later the movement stopped, or at least the visible signs of movement stopped. So Joey put his hand on my tummy. He then proceeded to get nudged quite a bit. Guess there was a Zumba party going on in there Sis. :)
Tater Tot woke me up last night. The past 2 days he had done something that is not very pleasant to feel. I think he balls up in the bottom of my stomach. At least that is what it feels like. That part of my tummy gets really hard and it hurts. I rub that part of my tummy for a few minutes and I guess he gets the hint. My stomach then softens up and the pain stops. Guess he's just taking advantage of all the room he has available to him right now.
Went through the toys that Joey's sisters have handed down to us. Between the kick mats, the glow worm and other things I think I counted a total of somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 batteries! Guess we'll need to make a batter trip to Sam's Club. :)
So glad to hear that you all have made your ways safely to your exotic destinations. Not much else going on here. Love you all bunches! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!