Sunday, December 19, 2010

He's here!

WELCOME Jasper! We love you!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

newest pictures

Chubby cheeks
They said he was weighing about 6 1/2 pounds last week. They are thinking he will weight between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 pounds.

Arrow is pointing to his tongue. He keep sticking it out at us.

Yawning as she took the profile shot
His foot is the oval thing right in the middle. Toes are pointed to the right.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

36-37 weeks

Went to the doctor last week. Tater wasn't moving much so they checked his heart rate for a little longer. Said it sounded reassuring, but wanted me to do kick-counts a few times during that day to make sure he moved at least 5 times in a hour. He did so it was fine. My blood pressure and pulse were up that day, but I had to run (almost literally) to get to the appointment as I was late leaving work. They didn't seem concerned about my pulse and blood pressure when I told them that I was rushing that much.

At today's appointment things went fine. My blood pressure was 120s/70s and my pulse was in the high 70s. My urine was all clear (no protein or anything). Tater's heart rate was in the 140s. Fundal height was 37. So all like it should be.
I talked to her about the pains I've been having and she seemed to think it was just the ligaments in my pelvis stretching and that I'm having braxton hicks contractions. So nothing that really amounts to anything I guess. She said that I most likely have a few more weeks before he will be here. So guess she's not thinking that he will be here early, unless things change.
Wearing my support belt today cause my back is starting to hurt more and more. But then again that makes sense since he is getting bigger and stuff.
Thank you SO much Sis for helping me get the majority of the stuff done!!!!!!! There is NO WAY I could have gotten it all done without you! Love you!

Well, that's all I can think of right now so... I will sign off. Hope you all have a FABULOUS Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Love you all bunches!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

35 weeks

Went to doctor today. My blood pressure was 112/70. I had a moderate amount of protein in my urine so they said I need to drink a bunch of water tonight. So have been working on that. I gained 3 pounds since my last visit 2 weeks ago, but they said that part of the weight could be due to the swelling in my legs and ankles. They said that the increased protein could cause some cramping. So don't know if that is part of why I've been having so many braxton hicks lately. Guess it's a possibility. They did the cultures that they have to do around this time in the pregnancy. So as long as the come back okay then don't have to do anything extra. If the group B strep culture comes back positive I will have to have IV antibiotics while I'm in labor. They said that my belly is measuring like it should be and that the babies heartrate was in the 140s.

Got the heat fixed. So don't have to worry about it not working right when Tater gets here. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

latest belly pictures

31 weeks
34.3 weeks

Monday, November 1, 2010


Started having some sharp pains on and off. Nothing regular, so no worries. But I'm wondering if this will mean that when they check me next week I will be dilated some. Of course I know you can walk around a long time being 1-2 centimeters dilated so no big deal. Just making it a little more real I guess.

Definately feeling like I can empathize with other pregnant women now. Finding a comfy position is very tricky!

So do I have any votes on this kid's name? Other than just a first name... given that he will have 2 middle names? Curious to see what you guys think. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

33 week appointment

Went to appointment today for regular OB checkup. Said looked good. My fundal height was 33 (should be that since I'm 33 weeks), blood pressure was 106/70, and baby's heart rate was in the 150s. Starting to swell in my feet and legs but they said that was normal at this point in the game.
I go back in 2 weeks. She said that they would check then to see if I've started dialating yet. Boy, that makes it seem like it's close!
Been having a bunch of back pain that is keeping me up at night so I ordered a maternity belt today. It should be in for me to pick it up tomorrow.
Oh, forgot to post about my derm appt. It went fine. They took a mole off my head and one on my back. The other one they were concerned about at the OB office the derm. said we needed to wait to take it off until after the baby is here.
Had a baby shower at Joey's work this week. Got some really nice things. They are planning a shower for me here at my work next week. So we will see what all we end up getting. At this point I think Tater has more clothes than I do. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Derm appt

FYI: Have appt on Friday with derm. In case you wanna know.

Tater Tot has found my ribs and is using it as his playground. Hard to breath at times with him being so far up by my lungs. Guess that comes with the territory. Just will be glad when he decides that it's not so interesting in my ribs anymore so that I will have more room to breath. Guess if he doesn't catch on before then, hopefully within 6-8 weeks he won't be in there anymore and I will have all the lung room I need. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

31 week follow-up

profile. The fuzzy line on the top of his head is hair!

I scanned it at this angle so maybe you could tell better what things were. You can see his forehead, right eye (closed), his nose is the darker smudge in the middle, and the darker lines near the bottom are his lips. Don't know if you can tell this or not but his cord was in the way so that's why you can't see his left eye or that part of his face.
Doctor's appointment went fine today. His heartrate was in the 130s. My blood pressure was 110/63. I've gained 14.8 pounds total. She referred me to a derm. to have a mole removed as it has gotten much larger and is changing in color and texture. They are to call me when the appointment gets scheduled. We are signed up for birthing classes next month. I got my flu shot today too. They said they had the one there that did not have perservatives in it, and acted like they would rather I get it there than the one they might be offering at work. So I went ahead and got it today while I was there. Waited 20 minutes after I got it done to make sure I didn't have any problems. They didn't say anything about my urine, so I guess it was all fine. She said my belly was measuring around what it should be.
When I got the scan at work yesterday, they said he's weighing 3 pounds 13 oz and is at the 53%. So sounds like it's all good as far as I know.
Well, that's your 31 week follow-up. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Doctor's visit and recent photo

Doctor's visit went fine this week. I had a trace of protein in my urine so they told me to push more fluids for the next few days. The midwife reviewed my sugar test and said that all the levels were normal on the 3 hour sugar test. I have a picture of Kelly and myself from her shower on 9/18. Thought you might like to see how we are doing. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happenings of 27th Week

Can you tell he's excited about the baby?!

Failed one hour test, passed 3 hour test for gestational diabetes. So don't have it!!!! Woohoo!!!!

These are some recent pictures. Baby is weighing about 2 pounds, 8 ounces. They said that was good.
Hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

26 weeks picture

The human portions of the Dorriety family. Don't tell Twig I said she wasn't human!

Doctor's visit

So had my 27th week doctor visit today. Had to do my sugar test. I had quite a bit of sugar in my urine so they said it was likely that I would have to come back and do the 3 hour sugar test. :( I was wondering what my blood sugar was 2 hours after the sugar test (as the amount of sugar that is in the sugar test should be similar to that of a meal). So I checked when I got home and my blood sugar was 138. That's not good. If my blood sugar 1 hour after I took the test was 140 or more that it would mean that I need to do the 3 hour test. Looks like I will most likely be doing the test. So might be spending a chunk of my day on Friday doing that 3 hour test. Nice way to spend your day off huh?!
My iron level was fine, as my hematocrit was 34. My blood pressure was okay at 118/62. It was up a little more than the last few visit but I was nervous about the sugar test so I'm sure that didn't help it to be any lower. I gained about 4 more pounds. So still in the range I should be in.
So just keep the sugar test in your prayers. I'm not excited about the fact that I will likely have to do the 3 hour test, but am really hoping that it comes back normal. I don't want the risks associated with gestational diabetes! Guess in a way I know too much. :(
Will keep you updated as to what they say. Until then...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Joey got to see what I was talking about

So, last night we were sitting on the couch and I keep feeling the dance party going on in my stomach. I kept wondering if Joey would be able to see it. Well, I looked down at my stomach and you could definitely see all kinds of movement. I got Joey's attention and told him to look at my stomach for a few minutes. Sure enough, a few moments later the dance party resumed. Joey's eyes got real big and he smiled real big. It was nice to see him get so excited about it. Then a little while later the movement stopped, or at least the visible signs of movement stopped. So Joey put his hand on my tummy. He then proceeded to get nudged quite a bit. Guess there was a Zumba party going on in there Sis. :)
Tater Tot woke me up last night. The past 2 days he had done something that is not very pleasant to feel. I think he balls up in the bottom of my stomach. At least that is what it feels like. That part of my tummy gets really hard and it hurts. I rub that part of my tummy for a few minutes and I guess he gets the hint. My stomach then softens up and the pain stops. Guess he's just taking advantage of all the room he has available to him right now.
Went through the toys that Joey's sisters have handed down to us. Between the kick mats, the glow worm and other things I think I counted a total of somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 batteries! Guess we'll need to make a batter trip to Sam's Club. :)
So glad to hear that you all have made your ways safely to your exotic destinations. Not much else going on here. Love you all bunches! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

24 down, 16 to go!

Just looked at the baby tracker and it says 111 days to go. I don't know if I should be excited about that or not. I mean, trust me I will be trilled to stop feeling sick and hopefully to have at least a little more energy. But then again once he gets here...he's here. Good thing Joey's got the baby thing on lock cause I'm not sure about me. Just been praying that breastfeeding goes well and he is a healthy baby from the get go. Guess only time will tell. Oh yes, in case you didn't pick up on the hint. The nausea has been making regular appearances again over the past week. What in the world! So much for nausea the first 3 months and then it being gone. Guess this dude is staking his claim that he's not going anywhere.
Found an outfit today that I didn't realize I had. So wore it today. Have gotten a couple of compliments on it. It's pretty comfy too. Plus it's not one of those shirts that is so low-cut that I have to wear a tank top underneath it in order NOT to flash everyone. :)
Working on replacing the Velcro tabs on the diapers. I got 3 done last night. Definitely trying to get smoother at it so they don't end up looking like Twiggy sewed them on for me. :) Once I have the Velcro replaced, will move on to sewing on new laundry tabs on them. They should be easier to do, cause I just sew the new one over the old one. Don't know if I will get to the elastic before you come or not Sis. So might have to enlist your help on that. Hint Hint. :)
Granny got me a bunch of bibs and some clothes at a yard sale thingy. That's cool! I'm so grateful! The kid doesn't have any bibs yet and if my memory serves me right we will need a bunch of them!!
Glad that it is going to be cooler here this weekend! Might get to use my swing. Hopefully will get the mower fixed so Joey doesn't have to spend half the day trying to get the lawn cut.
Well, not much else going on here. Talk to you all later!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beginning of 23rd week

Glad this week is almost over. It's been a kinda rough one. Found out today that my boss is leaving. That makes me kind of nervous. I worry about Kim (my stateside mom) as she will be the one that has to pick up the majority of my boss' work. She has a full plate already. If you all would, just pray that the Lord will send the right person for the job. One that will be understanding of my need to be out for maternity leave and any needs that come up before or after Tater Tot gets here. I've been lucky in life that I've had understanding bosses. I hope the Lord sees fit to continue that streak!

Had OB visit today. My blood pressure was 102 over 70 something. I did have a trace of protein in my urine, so guess need to step up the fluids with all this heat. The baby's heart rate was in the 150s and my fundal height (measure from the bottom to top of uterus) was on target. So guess all is pretty good. She said something about the fact that I've gained 5 pounds since I was there last time. Guess she didn't take the time to notice that prior to my last visit that I was below my pre-pregnancy weight. Oh well. Guess will have to watch the Krispy Kreme doughnuts. :) I have my sugar test (test for gestational diabetes) at my next visit. They sent the drink that I have to drink home with me. They said I could not eat 1 hour before I drank it and had to wait 1 hour, then they would draw my blood. They told me to drink the drink 30-45 minutes before I came to my next appointment so they could draw my blood when I got there. So hopefully that all shows up good too. My next appointment is on 9/15. Guess the sugar drink is there version of a birthday cake in a bottle for me. LOL!

Well, not much else to tell. Please just pray about the boss thing and please pray that I will get out of this funk. Joey is being so good trying to keep me uplifted. I know his arms must be getting tried from having to pick me up all the time. Guess that is why God put us together, He knew I would need a strong dude. :)

Love you all bunches and hope your are having a GREAT day when you read this!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Joey felt him

Joey felt Tater Tot move for the first time on Sunday. :) I was laying in bed and you could see my stomach jumping in on spot. Joey put his hand on my belly and Tater Tot kicked him.

Have doctor's appointment in 2 days. We'll see what they say.

By the way... what makes some folks think it's okay to touch your belly when you are pregnant. I mean even when they don't know you!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


It was GREAT getting to talk to you two today, Mom and Dad! I don't realize some times how much I miss ya until I get to see and hear from ya! So needless to say today I was reminded of how much I miss you guys.
Feeling kinda jealous of you (Granny and Sis) since you guys get to see them way before I will. Make sure you guys charge up your cameras and take extra batteries. Cause pictures are expected. :) I hope you all have a great time together while you are there!
I know Mom and Dad that you know this already, but thought I would let others know that I felt Tater Tot nudge my hand yesterday. Been feeling him from the inside for about a month but that is the first time I felt him from the outside. Guess he really has become a nudger (for those Twilight savvy folks reading this). :) He's my little nudger.
Not a whole lot going on today. Gonna take a nap for a little bit. He (Tater Tot) woke me up at like 5 AM, kicking me. Not to mention I was starving like I hadn't eaten in 2 days. So got up and ate a little something. He kicked around some more then chilled out. Went to Sam's Club and got some stuff early and then got home in time to Skype with Mom and Dad. Too bad Skype wouldn't work so I could be on time. Well, at least we got to talk this week. Guess it decided to be nice to us this week.
Oh, there he goes again kicking me. I think he is practicing his JKD (fighting) moves already. :)
Thought I would try to do better at updating posts here versus telling some folks stuff via email and forgetting to email others the same info. No promises, but I will really try.
Love you guys all so much and hope you are doing well!
Alexis, if you are reading this... hope things are going well with you. I miss you bunches!
Kelly, if you are reading this... give me a call when you get back and are rested up. We NEED to catch up (hopefully I won't be sick this time.)
Dee... keep you chin up dear. Can't wait to hear how you kicked that GRE's tail!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

no more

Just wanted to let you know that I will probably not be getting any more ultrasounds, unless something is up. New rules. I know some of you were looking forward to more pictures, but may have to just hold out with all the ones we have. :)
Was told yesterday that I looked small for how far along I am. Then this AM I was told that I look like a pumpkin (I'm wearing a orange top). So guess folks can't decide if I look big or not.
May get to see Kelly tonight. I haven't seen her in about a month. She is going to go see her family this week so that should be good times for her. They are throwing her a shower while she is up there.
Still feeling Tater Tot, just don't feel him every day. I talked to Kim and she said that was fine, especially since I'm only 22 weeks tomorrow.
Hope to get the crib put up over the next few weeks. Will have to go to Lowes and see if can find the right type of screws. The nursery doesn't look at all like a nursery right now, more like a storage room. Will have to keep working on it. Don't have the energy much after work all day but maybe can work on it this weekend. :) Will try to post pictures when/if we get it all done. :)
Just wanted to update you on what is going on in the world of Tater Tot, or at least the parts I know about what is going on. Love you all so much!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More practice with 3D

One of the sonographers wanted more practice with doing 3D ultrasound pictures. Here are the pictures she got.

Pictures starting at top left are:
face with hand on right cheek, one of his feet, front shot, front shot with hand in front of face, him yawning, him with his hands on each side of his face, and finally a profile picture.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big boy!

One of the ultrasound students today needed to practice scanning so that she could get all of her required pictures done. So she did the ultrasound. The baby is getting bigger and now weighs 11 oz! He weighed 8 oz last week at the ultrasound at my doctor's office. I looked at and it said that he should be weighing that much next week. So I guess his weight gain is a week ahead. Hopefully this just means he had a growth spurt, not that he will be a really big baby. Making me kinda nervous.
I added a widget on the blog so folks could know exactly how much time that is left until he is supposed to arrive.

Friday, July 16, 2010

18 week pictures

For those of you requesting belly pictures.

Tater Tot's profile

Another profile, kinda fuzzy.

His Hand

His feet side by side

One foot

peace sign. :)
These are our latest pictures. Hope you enjoy them!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

pictures for Mom and Dad- Happy Birthday!

A little birthday present from Joey and I to you. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

3 D pictures and body parts

the two lines are the legs and there seems to extra stuff in the middle

the cursor (white spot) is pointing down toward boy parts

He's smiling. Can you tell?

He's propping his legs up.
Now we just have to name the little guy. :)